American Bar Association
Cover for ABA Journal (AD: Brenan Sharp)
C. O. Bigelow
Click to see more C. O. Bigelow paintings
Click to see more LaSenza paintings
Click to see more LaSenza paintings
Click to see more LaSenza paintings
C. O. Bigelow
Click to see more C. O. Bigelow paintings
C. O. Bigelow
See more C. O. Bigelow paintings here
C. O. Bigelow
Click to see more C. O. Bigelow paintings
Using technology as opposed to traditional pigments, each image is handworked down to the smallest details to create results that are reminiscent of traditional works. Combinations of proprietary tools, historical research and a strong background in color theory are utilized and developed for each specific campaign or project so that each image is unique. These techniques have been used as central elements for creating strong international brands as well as editorial illustrations.